We loved Singpore. There, I said it.
But then again, everybody says that. Hence, here a few reasons why we do.
It’s big – but not humongeous.
It’s by no means a small city, counting over 5 million heads, but somehow it does not seem as ridiculously big as other megacities. Maybe because the city centre is actually crossable (does that word even exist?) by foot. Spend 2 hours walking and you’ll see most of downtown and Marina Bay area.
It’s a perfect mix.
Situated (not to say locked in) between Indonesia and Malaysia, it’s most definitely an asian city. BUT there’s a strong international, not to say western touch to it. It’s a great mix, Asian enough to feel exotic, but western enough to feel comfortable. It’s new, with tons of malls and sky scrapers, but it still has got plenty of “old” hidden alleys with great coffee places and pubs.
The food is epic.
While it may not be strictly typical Singapore-food what we had, it sure did rock. The above mentioned mix makes sure you’ll get everything you could possibly want, be that eastern or western or whatever else inspired. I mean, we’ve had the best Sushi AND the best burger of our entire trip so far in one single day!
It’s clean.
And I mean really clean. Like – so much cleaner than any other asian city we’ve seen so far. We actually saw a guy picking up cigarette butts with what looked like a pasta tool. And another guy mopping the floor – outdoors. Yep, not inside, outside. I’m pretty sure you’d get shot if they caught you littering. Oh – and they will see you:
It’s shiny, but not cheesy.
We’ve all seen the concept of christmas lighting getting violated. In some asian cities, the excessive use of kitsch lighting really gives you a headache. Singapore does offer a lot of lights, even an entire artificial garden full of lit(t) up “supertrees” that shine to the sound of a specifically for that reason composed rapsody – but it’s nice, somehow. The lights don’t hit you in the face, they actually make the city look welcoming, almost romantic. (I admit it: we loved the rapsody-part).
They’ve got nice cars.
Maybe not really a valid reason, but who cares. It’s not quite as nuts as Dubai, but the avid car lover will see the occasional supercar. A Ferrrari a day makes…whatever, makes my day.
It’s still a city, and therefore not a place to spend endless amounts of time – in our opinion. But as far as cities go, this one rocks.
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