The Great Ocean Road – I reckon most people have heard of this place, although I believe few actually know the details. Given the fact that we both loves motorcycles, and our host was more than happy to find an excuse to hire a massive bike, we gave it a go.
Our rental period was exactly 24 hours, which we split into two parts. On Saturday, we picked up our bikes at 4 PM at a place called The Moto God in Torquay. Judith got a Harley Davidson Sportster 883 so loud it scared the sh** out of us when she started it, I myself got to ride a Victory Judge – a bike I’ve been wanting to ride for a long time – and our host and his wife got what we soon called “the boat” due to it’s enormous size: An Indian Chief Classic.
We chose to take the land route to Warrnambool and spend the night there, in order to have the entire Sunday for the mother of all coastal roads. It started raining pretty hard, and with our open face helmets, the 200km to Warrnambool turned out to be a very painful experience: We had to go fast to get there before sunset (we were wearing sunglasses…), so the raindrops cut into our faces at 100km/h for about 3 hours. I reckon we had to earn the next day – but ooooh was it worth it.
What followed the next day is probably best described in pictures. The sky was blue, the ocean to our right even blu-er, the curves were numerous and the exhausts were loud. 7 hours of the most exciting bike riding pleasure I’ve ever experienced, only interrupted by the occasional sightseeing stop or coffee break.
The combined 4.5 liters of engine made sure the smiles never left our faces. Tight curves through the forest, wide curves along the cliffs, or just long stretches of beautifully green back country – what a feast for the eyes!
Hands down the best bike trip of our lives and one of the best days on our trip – so far.
If you love a good bike ride, and get the chance to do this one, do it. Just do it. It’s a memory that’ll last. I can vouch for that. If you need a little extra convincing, just watch the small clip we made below:
(Note: Video seems not to be working in all countries due to different Youtube-rights. If it doesn’t – well, meet us and we’ll show you 🙂 )
Merci gau.
Massive, indeed! Merci dir, Bochdie!